Events coming up at North Hills Revised 03/13/2025
Psalm 100:5 (KJV)
5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
If you have names you would like placed on the Sunday Morning Prayer List, please write them down and give to Linda or Bro. Jim.
The baskets are out and it’s time to order Easter Lilies for the sanctuary for our Easter Sunday Celebration. Lilies can be purchased for $13 each in memory or in dedication of someone and their name will be printed in the Easter bulletin. Baskets & forms are located in the front foyer and the Welcome Center.
JourneyMen’s Ministry ~Thursday, March 13th, dinner at 6:30pm.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study in Genesis, March 18th, 10 am. – ADULT III CLASSROOM
Quarterly Business Meeting ~ Wednesday, March 19th, 7 pm.
Our NHBC worship ministry is always seeking new and interested singers for our worship team and to sing during our offering music each Sunday. If you are interested in singing during this portion of our worship gatherings, whether as a solo singer or in any group setting, please let Bro. Michael know and we can get you scheduled. You can email him at or send a text to 501-231-0865. Please let him know if you have a backing track (CD’s or flash drives please, no cassette tapes) or if you’d like one or more of our worship band members to play music with your singing. Also if you’re interested in being a part of our worship team, musician, singer, IT, sound, helping setup presentations for our gatherings, send an email or text Michael to setup a time to sit down and discuss where you might serve in one of the many facets of our worship ministry.
Church Services
Mid-Week Services:
Wednesday Adult Bible Study ~7 pm in the New Fellowship Hall.
Wednesday Children’s Ministry ~ Kids Zone – 7 pm . in Education Bldg.
Wednesday Hooked Student Ministry & The Bridge College Ministry – 6:45 pm in Education Bldg./upstairs
Wednesdays from 1 til 3 pm: Church Library is open
Sunday Services
Sunday School Sunday Mornings 9:00 a.m.
Children & Adult II — Educational Building – Downstairs
Hooked Student Ministry & The Bridge College Ministry — Educational Building – Upstairs
Adult III — Sanctuary Building Adult III – Classroom by Visitors Center
Discovery Class — Sanctuary Building – Choir Room
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. — Sanctuary
Student Ministry News/Events
Student Ministry/Bridge Ministry ~ Join us for Game Night on Saturday, March 8th, from 6 to 8 pm in the youth area! Bring along your favorite game and a delicious snack to share. We can’t wait to see you there for a night of fun and friendly competition!
Children’s Ministry News/Events
Here are some needs for The CALL Foster Ministry if you would like to help. Donation tub is located in the Welcome Center.Diapers – sizes 3-7, infant to toddler size socks – sizes 0-6 month up to toddler sizes 5T, Boys and Girls underclothing – sizes 2T- size 6 and Christmas Toys
Nursery Volunteers 03/16/25 — Jewell Anderson & Aryanna Best
Library News!! The library has changed their hours. They are now open from 1 til 3 every Wednesday afternoon. Why not stop by and check it out!!
PLEASE NOTE!! Our Sunday worship is online live on the North Hills Baptist Church Sherwood AR feed at
North Hills Baptist Church–9618 Hwy 107–Sherwood, AR 72120 Phone 501-835-6221, Fax 501-835-6404—E-Mail:, Website: |