Do you desire for a stronger relationship with Jesus as a man of God? The North Hills Baptist Church’s JourneyMen’s ministry will challenge you in discipleship, leadership, and obedience to Jesus Christ, through studying God’s word and discussion with other men to become better husbands, fathers, friends, co-workers, and to serve Jesus through your local church, your family, and your community.
NHBC JourneyMen’s ministry gathers the second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm for dinner and discipleship. Each month there is teaching from God’s word designed to strengthen your relationship with Jesus and to engage in a deeper and more committed relationship with our Savior.
For dates and times of JourneyMen’s ministry gatherings please view the North Hills Church Calendar. https://nhillsbaptist.com/calendar/
North Hills Baptist Church JourneyMen’s Ministry
And the priest said to them “Go in peace. The journey on which you go is under the eye of the LORD”.
(Updated 01.22.2020)