Praising the God of the universe through engaging music.
The North Hills Baptist Church worship ministry joins with the gathered church in an encounter with our risen Lord Jesus Christ using various forms of music in all of our worship gatherings. The worship choir, praise band, sound and visual teams all focus on being in the presence of God and bringing praise to Him.
The worship ministry of a church is important for the entire congregation. For the unsaved, it is an opportunity for them to hear the gospel and receive the gift of salvation. For the newly saved, it should be exciting enough to awaken them to hear the Word of God for instruction. For the more mature, it is a call for the gathered church to praise and worship the Lord.
The music adds to the beauty of the service and prepares the hearts of the people. It leads the believer into the worship of God and sets the heart of the unbeliever to receive Jesus Christ. The Worship Ministry at North Hills does these things every time our local church gathers for worship.
There are many ways to become involved with the worship ministry at NHBC for anyone who has a heart for service or a heart for music. Opportunities for involvement include:
- Being a part of the choir
- Playing an instrument
- Working Audio equipment
- Working Visual equipment
(updated 05/15/19)