Romans Part 2

Romans Part 2

Passage: Romans 1:1-16:27
Service Type:

I, 2016
Some thoughts on the New Testament letters:
1. There were writers of the New Testament letters.
2. Paul wrote______ letters. 87 chapters in all
3. Most of his letters were written to____________ so they have a direct appeal and application
to the church today.
4. Some of his letters are written to and about
5. Then there are the general letters (4 know writers)
6. Who wrote the most verses?
Paul (a) 2,158 (c)
John (b) 2,033 (a)

Luke (c) 1,414 (b)
7. First New Testament book was written by James — 45-50 AD
Second New Testament book written was I Thessalonians — 52 AD by Paul
I. Who wrote Romans and when
A. Notice how Paul identifies himself —1:1
2.Called as an Apostle
3.Set apart
Trivia question:
Did Paul actually with pen in hand write this letter?
B. Written from Corinth — 55-56 AD
C. Why Romans?

II. The Letter Itself
An outline
*Personal introduction and a relational conclusion
A. Chapters 1-8 — faith (doctrinal)
1. Chapter 3:9-18
2. Chapter 5:1
Definition of Justification: The act of God whereby He declares righteous the believing sinner while we are still in our sinning state.
3. Chapter 8:31-39
B. Chapters 9-11 — hope (the subject is the nation Israel)
1. Chapter 9 — sovereignty
2. Chapter 10 — man's responsibility
3. Chapter 11:33
C. Chapters 12-16 — love
12:1 begins with a declaration of the Christian getting on the altar.
The rest of the book is about how that will work itself out in your life.
1. Your social life
2. Your civil Life
3. Personal truths for living
15:4, 7

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