The Youth & College Ministry at North Hills is designed with 3 distinct age ranges. Middle school (6th, 7th, & 8th grade), High School (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade), and College (any young adult ages 19 to 25). Lessons and activities are designed to reach our students and help them further grow in their walk with Christ. Our Youth & College facilities allow our Youth Ministry team to work with Students and engage with them on their level. The area features a Worship Center where students can praise and worship the King and learn from God’s Word. It also features break out classrooms and a game/activity center where students can hang out, relax, play a game, and fellowship with other students and ministry staff.

Weekly Schedule:
Sunday School 9:00am
Adult Worship 10:00am
Wednesday Night 6:45 pm
The youth area is located on the Second floor of the Education building. Visitors are WELCOME and encouraged to join us, if you need assistance finding the youth area simply ask any of our greeters or church staff and they will be happy to assist you.